How do I escalate a concern?
At Pinnaca, we always welcome constructive feedback to assist us in our journey to improve customer satisfaction. If at any time you need to escalate a concern about how your project is progressing, the below highlights how you may do this.
1. Raising your Concern with Pinnaca
Please raise your concern by email with the Pinnaca Ticket Owner.
Please ensure you include the below information in your initial email.
Basic Information of Your Concern
Project Name: [Enter Project Name]
Date Raised: [DD/MM/YYYY]
Reported By: [Your Name & Role]
Issue Title: [Clear and concise issue name]
Issue Description: [Provide a concise yet detailed description of the issue, including what happened, when it started, and any relevant background information.]
Assessing the Impact of Your Concern
Severity Level: [Critical / High / Medium / Low]
Affected Areas: [Systems, teams, users, business processes impacted]
Potential Risks if Unresolved: [Explain how the issue could impact project timelines, budgets, deliverables, security, etc.]
Initial Actions Taken to Resolve Your Concern
Steps Already Taken to Resolve: [List the attempts to address the issue before escalation]
Who Was Informed? [Names of individuals or teams contacted]
We will open an issue ticket within your Project, which will contain the details of your concern.
You will receive a confirmation of the Project Issue Ticket Number by email.
2. Proposed Resolution and/or Recommendations
A member of the Pinnaca Projects Team (the Pinnaca Ticket Owner) will call you to discuss the issue and provide you with a resolution and/or recommendations to alleviate the problems you are facing, along with a follow-up review date.
The Pinnaca Ticket Owner will update the Issue Ticket with the details discussed and agreed upon during this call.
You will receive an email confirmation of this information.
If you have any further concerns or queries about this Project Issue, please reply to the Project Issue Ticket by email, through the customer portal, or by calling the Pinnaca Ticket Owner.
3. Further Escalation
If the Pinnaca Ticket Owner does not resolve the problem, please escalate the issue by email or phone to your Pinnaca Project Manager.
If the issue persists or the remediation/resolution plan is unsatisfactory, please escalate it by email or phone to your Pinnaca Account Manager.
Please Note: When emailing, please include the Project Issue Ticket Number or have it on hand when calling.
4. Confirmation of Issue Resolution
Pinnaca will follow up in writing with the Project Issue's status, further feedback, and lessons that Pinnaca can learn from the process.
How to Contact the Projects Team
The Projects Team are only available Monday - Friday, 09:00 - 17:30 (GMT/BST).
If you wish to contact us, please include the ticket number to help us locate your information faster.
Email -
Call - +44 (0) 20 3928 9267