What is the Lifecycle of a Project?
At Pinnaca, we enter the Project planning phase once the project is handed over from the Pinnaca Sales Team to our Projects Team. We will assess the project's scope and complexity, allowing us to assign the right calibre of Project Manager and technical resources.
1. Planning
Your Pinnaca Project Manager will be assigned.
The Pinnaca Sales Team will discuss the high-level project requirements with your Pinnaca Project Manager.
Your Pinnaca Project Manager will set up a Project Board on the Pinnaca Customer Portal, which will contain all your project details.
You will receive an email confirmation of the Project Board setup.
Please Note:
From this point forward, all project communication will be logged in the Customer Portal Project Board as a Project Ticket.
You will always receive an email notification from the Customer Portal when Project Tickets are updated.
You can reply to these email notifications from your email client or browser. They will automatically log into your Project Board in the Pinnaca Customer Portal.
Your Pinnaca Project Manager will email you to arrange a Project Kick-off call. During this call, you will discuss the project in more detail.
Your Pinnaca Project Manager will contact you by email to confirm the prerequisites for the project to continue.
Your Pinnaca Project Manager will contact you by email to establish the project's finer details and technical requirements.
2. Discovery & Design
The Project Manager from Pinnaca will meet with your internal Project Manager to discuss the project in greater detail and create a scoping document that will form the blueprint for the project deliverables.
The Project Scope Document will cover all aspects of the project, from start to completion, and will be reviewed frequently to incorporate any changes to the plan.
The Project Scope Document must be electronically signed off by both the Project Manager from Pinnaca and your internal Project Manager to allow the project to proceed.
Upon sign-off, the Project moves from the planning phase to the commencement phase, and Pinnaca will order Project software and/or hardware requirements.
3. Customisations
The Pinnace Projects Team will commence programming of software customisations.
Software customisations will then be internally tested and deployed.
4. Lab
Pinnaca will build and configure a test environment in a Lab Environment. Where feasible, the test environment will be a self-contained setup separate from your production environment to allow for safe experimentation and testing.
We will perform internal Test Cases and Runs.
Depending on the outcome of these tests, we will rework the solution as required.
Re-testing will continue in Test Runs until the project scope has been met.
Your Pinnaca Projects Manager will contact you to arrange demonstrations for you to review.
5. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Your Pinnaca Projects Manager will contact you to arrange a convenient time to train your internal Project Manager and any other key users on the solution.
Your Pinnaca Projects Manager will contact you to arrange a follow-up meeting to listen to your feedback.
Upon receiving your feedback, we will debate the changes requested to the solution.
Pinnaca will apply the requested changes if they fall within the agreed Project Scope.
If the requested changes fall outside the agreed-upon Project Scope, they will be considered Change Orders. Change Orders may result in a reset of timelines and additional resource requirements. We will discuss, quote for, sign off on, and complete the UAT before the Project moves forward (unless the change is small and doesn't impact the overall project).
We will ask you to sign off on the final UAT to proceed to Pilot Testing.
Where necessary, we will produce User Guide documents in Microsoft Word and PDF format for your future reference. Pinnaca will supply any User Guide documents to your Internal Project Manager so you can distribute them to your team internally as required.
6. Pilot
Pinnaca will commence the production build & configuration.
The Pinnaca Projects Delivery Team will contact you to arrange a convenient time to test the solution in a live environment. This is called a Pilot Test.
The Pilot Test is conducted on a few users to avoid any significant disruption and allow any unforeseen issues to be resolved. You will have the full support of the Pinnaca Projects Delivery Team while these tests are underway.
Please email us your Pilot Test feedback within X days.
We will rework the solution as needed based on the outcome of this Pilot Test. The impact of the changes required will determine whether an extension to the pilot is considered.
We will ask you to sign off on the final Pilot Test to proceed to Production Roll Out.
7. Roll Out
Pinnaca will make any remaining configurations required to allow all users to benefit from the new solution.
Pinnaca will organise Hypercare support so users can bypass the usual Support Desk Process. Hypercare support gives you dedicated resources to work on issues with a Pinnaca Engineer working directly on your Project.
The Pinnaca Projects Team will transfer all appropriate knowledge to the Pinnaca Support Desk team.
After your Hypercare project support has finished, the client will raise any future issues or questions to the Support Team through the usual Support Desk Process.
Along the journey, the Project Managers will meet at an appropriate frequency to action plan and discuss the project's progress.
How to Contact the Projects Team
The Projects Team are only available Monday - Friday, 09:00 - 17:30 (GMT/BST).
If you wish to contact us, please include the ticket number to help us locate your information faster.
Email - projects@pinnacaretail.com
Call - +44 (0) 20 3928 9267