How do I request a quote for a new service?
We have created Quote Forms to streamline our quote process with you. You can find the forms in the New Customer Portal. Using the quote forms, you can request a quote for extra services such as new tills, equipment, software, and store openings.
For more information on how to use the new Customer Portal, please follow this guide: How do I use the New Customer Portal?
Please Note: The old customer portal has been depreciated and is no longer in use. To access the new customer portal, you must set up an account using the company email address you have registered with Pinnaca.
The Importance of Accurate Information
Gathering all the vital information at the outset is crucial for providing accurate estimates and ensuring that our sales-to-projects handover process is seamless and efficient. Lacking critical information can create friction and make the process rushed and chaotic, which neither you nor we desire.
There are two forms: one form for store openings and one for all other quote requests (Generic Quote).
New Store Openings
You will be asked for the following information:
Company and Store Information – Company name, billing company name, billing addresses. New store address, phone, email, shipping address and store type.
Contact Information – Name, email and phone number for your quote approver, project manager, main contact and shipping address.
Key Dates – The store opening date, installation, project kick-off call.
Store Setup Numbers - Fixed POSs, mobile, back office, whether there are any bespoke requirements, pin pad details, internet details, etc.
Other Requirements – We provide an empty text box for you to type what you need
Services – Do you need us to perform the installation and provide go-live cover or training?
Optional Extras – E receipts, Postcode lookups, Import tools, Email security, etc.
Please include as much detailed information as possible on the forms provided. If you forget or need to add any further information after submitting the form, you can easily do so by posting an update to the Quote Confirmation Ticket you will receive by email.
Watch the Video Guide
We encourage you to watch the instructional video below which will walk you through filling out the New Store Quote Request form.
Generic Quote
You will be asked for the following information:
Company Information – Company name, billing company name and billing address.
Contact Information – Name, email and phone number for your quote approver, project manager, main contact and shipping address.
Key Dates – Delivered by and set up date.
Requirements – We provide an empty text box for you to type details of what you need.
Please include as much detailed information as possible on the forms provided. If you forget or need to add any further information after submitting the form, you can easily do so by posting an update to the Quote Confirmation Ticket you will receive by email.
Watch the Video Guide
We encourage you to watch the instructional video below which will walk you through filling out the Generic Quote Request form.
Step-by-Step Guide
Steps 2 and 3
Login to the New Customer Portal
Click the Tickets icon on the left sidebar.
Click the Create Ticket button.
Select the New Quote Forms Category
Select the relevant category. If you want to create a ticket for a new store opening, click New Store Opening. For any other type of quote, click Generic Quote Request.
Fill in the form. The fields with red asterisks require an answer, and other fields without an asterisk are optional, depending on your requirements. Some of the fields require text, and some require you to select an option from a list.
You will get an email confirmation of the submission of the form.
Your account manager will contact you to discuss the new project.
If you change your mind about anything or need to correct a mistake, you can use the portal to view your submitted form and leave a comment to inform them of any changes.
If you forget or need to add any further information after submitting the form, you can easily do so by posting an update to the Quote Confirmation Ticket you will receive by email.
If you encounter any challenges during this process, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at One of our engineers will be delighted to assist you.